English Tutorials

English Tutorials

Banaa Website Builder Tutorials

  • How to add a responsive navigation barLINK
  • How to add a full width image slideshowLINK
  • How to add custom link to the navigation bar itemLINK
  • How to add or create dividers between different sections of the websiteLINK
  • How to add or change the image on any content blockLINK
  • How to add a link to a button on Banaa nocode builderLINK
  • How to change the background of a button on the canvasLINK
  • How to use the undo / redo function on the canvasLINK
  • How to delete blocks on the canvasLINK
  • How to duplicate any block on the canvasLINK
  • How to move and reposition any block on the canvasLINK
  • How to remove all the blocks from the canvasLINK
  • How to view your website on Preview modeLINK
  • How to add a features block to Banaa builder CanvasLINK
  • How to add or edit text on a slideshow banner imageLINK
  • How to view all the components on the Banaa builder pageLINK
  • How to view and test your website on different screen sizesLINK
  • How to publish your website on a free plan – LINK
  • How to publish your website with a custom domain – LINK

Banaa Ecommerce Builder Tutorials

  • How to add a product and assign a category to itLINK
  • How to add, edit and remove a categoryLINK
  • How to add variants to your product listing – LINK
  • How to add multiple images to a product listingLINK
  • How to create and make use of discount and promo codesLINK
  • How to rearrange and move images of a product listingLINK
  • How to configure shipping methods – LINK

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